She's Brave Podcast - Kristina Driscoll

Embracing Holiday Chaos with Confidence and Ease with Emily Evans Russell

December 19, 2023 Kristina Driscoll with Emily Evans Russell Episode 65
Embracing Holiday Chaos with Confidence and Ease with Emily Evans Russell
She's Brave Podcast - Kristina Driscoll
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She's Brave Podcast - Kristina Driscoll
Embracing Holiday Chaos with Confidence and Ease with Emily Evans Russell
Dec 19, 2023 Episode 65
Kristina Driscoll with Emily Evans Russell

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Emily Evans Russell, an energy and mindset coach, has got you covered for the holiday season! She's all about helping you find moments of tranquility and stability amidst the chaos. Emily's goal is to help you cultivate well-being and resilience, so you can navigate through the festivities with ease.

With a focus on momentum, self-sabotage, and mindset, she gives you practical tools to tackle the challenges of this time. Emily's insights on nurturing positive energy and mindset are crucial for maintaining balance and well-being during such a busy period. Trust me, her guidance will make achieving inner peace during the holidays a more realistic goal.

And let's talk about procrastination, shall we? Emily addresses this issue, which is often a symptom of deeper problems related to fear and perceived threats. But don't worry, she's got effective strategies to combat procrastination. She suggests starting daunting tasks with small steps and understanding that they won't pose life-threatening situations. By shifting your mindset from fear to curiosity, you can overcome your procrastination habits and experience personal growth.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Unlock the power of asking the right questions.
  • Discover how to find ease in the creative process effortlessly.
  • Overcome procrastination and give yourself permission to thrive.
  • Cultivate a positive mindset and energy for resilience.
  • Navigate holiday season chaos with relaxation and grounding.

About Emily:

Emily Evans Russell is a single mom, 6-figure business owner, and a Master Mindset & Energy Coach obsessed with transformation. She has her masters degree in teaching and has trained in Rapid Resolution Therapy, Yoga, Ayurveda, and Women’s Health and has been a Facilitator of Access Consciousness for 10 years. The tools and perspectives Emily shares in her community are anything but traditional, yet they are wildly effective. 

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Show Notes Transcript

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Emily Evans Russell, an energy and mindset coach, has got you covered for the holiday season! She's all about helping you find moments of tranquility and stability amidst the chaos. Emily's goal is to help you cultivate well-being and resilience, so you can navigate through the festivities with ease.

With a focus on momentum, self-sabotage, and mindset, she gives you practical tools to tackle the challenges of this time. Emily's insights on nurturing positive energy and mindset are crucial for maintaining balance and well-being during such a busy period. Trust me, her guidance will make achieving inner peace during the holidays a more realistic goal.

And let's talk about procrastination, shall we? Emily addresses this issue, which is often a symptom of deeper problems related to fear and perceived threats. But don't worry, she's got effective strategies to combat procrastination. She suggests starting daunting tasks with small steps and understanding that they won't pose life-threatening situations. By shifting your mindset from fear to curiosity, you can overcome your procrastination habits and experience personal growth.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Unlock the power of asking the right questions.
  • Discover how to find ease in the creative process effortlessly.
  • Overcome procrastination and give yourself permission to thrive.
  • Cultivate a positive mindset and energy for resilience.
  • Navigate holiday season chaos with relaxation and grounding.

About Emily:

Emily Evans Russell is a single mom, 6-figure business owner, and a Master Mindset & Energy Coach obsessed with transformation. She has her masters degree in teaching and has trained in Rapid Resolution Therapy, Yoga, Ayurveda, and Women’s Health and has been a Facilitator of Access Consciousness for 10 years. The tools and perspectives Emily shares in her community are anything but traditional, yet they are wildly effective. 

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Hey, everyone, it's Christina Driscoll host of this she's brave podcast, I'm so glad you're here with


me. I did not start out brave at all. But I learned that we can do brave things, one small step at a time. After caregiving for my husband and son for 12 years, it was definitely time for my next chapter. I wanted to get brave women's voices out there in the world. And more importantly, I want all of you to have the courage and the resilience to live your best authentic life. So come along with me, and learn how to live your best life. And I want you to hear the brave voices of women all around the world.


Hey, everyone, it's


Christina with the shoes brave podcast, where I was


just like, so psyched today, you guys, because today's guest is such a special human being. Her name is Emily Russell. And she's an energy and a mindset coach. And before you guys say, wait a minute, whoa, whoa, whoa, what


is this?


What is this thing like, just open yourself up, open yourself up to this, because she's got a lot of really cool tools to help improve your life. Today, we're going to be talking about momentum, how to get it, how to get back if you've lost it. Self Sabotage, it happens to all of us. mindset. Procrastination. We're going to talk about it all. Emily is a mazing. Welcome, Emily. Whoa,


thank you. That is an intro data. And it's just funny when you say I'm an energy coach. I'm like, but that's energy, like the energy. You're just being in that intro. It's what we all speak. Like, we may think it's woowoo. I think it's a little less woowoo. Now, because everybody's talking about it. But it's really bad. It's like we jump on here. People are listening. There's an energy we're being that we all pick up on that.


Yeah. And we know it works. Like I had a guest six months ago who was talking about how before you went to a big room of people like your chamber of commerce meeting, you're nervous, you're just feeling kind of edgy. Check yourself, open up yourself, put a smile on your face and just send some love into the room and then open the door and walk in and see what happens. And even if you don't believe in energy, that works. We all know that works, right? Like it doesn't matter. Like you're putting yourself in a positive mindset. Other people sense it, and then everything


gets better, right? And it reminds me of that quote, I've seen a lot. I don't know who this originated from, but it's that the most relaxed person in the room is the most powerful. Oh, that


is so Okay, I gotta interrupt you here. That's so funny. You say this, because this particular person who I interviewed, her name's Jen Roth, she's a clarity coach. And I met her at a podcasting like class in LA, and went to dinner with her and like 10 other people, she was the quietest person in the room. And she sat right next to me. And at the end of the dinner, I was just like, there's something about this person that is incredibly powerful. She's also the CEO of an incredibly successful Tea Company. But that's a whole nother story. But that's funny that you say that? Yeah. Tell us more. Tell us more. I'm sorry, buddy.


But you notice no, it's a great story. Because what you notice when you're the most relaxed, you're also in a very receptive state. I love it. And so you're receiving all of the information that is out there. So we often think in big groups, that you're the one pushing and I need to prove I'm smart, or I need to, like be interesting for everybody else, other than when you're relaxed, and then that receptive state, you find out, you're asking questions, you're curious, you're finding out about other people, and you make them feel seen too, because you're actually curious and present in a different way. And in that space, when you're receiving all of that awareness, and that is so powerful, because you're basically bigger and expanded and get to engage with everybody and not just in your own small roles. That story is great. It's a great example of that.


It really is and I'm gonna go to the holiday spice a little bit because your episode is going to be airing in December during the holiday season when a lot of people are feeling not very grounded and can Have a I will admit I'm one of them that can easily get swept up in the chaos and lose the groundedness, especially during the holidays. And I think that what you just said was a great reminder. Yeah,


I mean, I think holidays is a great example. We often say we have the day we're going for whatever day that is, we all celebrate different holidays, where you finally get to arrive and relax, right? That's the target. Yep. But the thing is, we don't arrive at Z. With relaxation. If we've been choosing x and y, from total, frantic and ungrounded Ness, every choice you're making in the present, is actually creating what's going to show up in the future. But we've been trained to go off, I can just get through this, then I'll be happy, then I'll be relaxed. It's actually the opposite, we have to make a conscious choice. Even if it's taking like 30 seconds or a minute to go. If I would like relaxation on that day, what can I give myself right now, that gives me that feeling in my body, what I would call energy, but we sense it with our bodies, right. So taking a moment to feel your feet on the floor. Like if anyone lives listening right now if you're not like driving or walking around, but even if you're walking like feel your feet on the floor, and get in touch with that sensation of there's earth underneath there, that ground, yes, sometimes I put my hand on my belly or my chest, and just take a moment to take a deep breath in. And then exhale. And even slightly, if you made a little that tells the body we're safe and relaxed, or even a slightly longer exhale does the same thing. Now, we have a lot to do during the holidays. So we might not be able to choose that all day. That's it. So I love


that permission too. Because we can so easily beat ourselves up for saying, oh my gosh, like I just lost it again. And it's gonna happen no matter what sometimes, you know,


yeah. And it doesn't matter about okay, now I have to be perfectly relaxed, or perfectly grounded. It's like, no, take a moment with yourself if you can. That's great. And then if later, think about it again and do another 30 seconds, what you're doing is you're acknowledging like, I don't want to just keep waiting for a destination that somehow is magically supposed to be perfect, are better than wearing them now, like enjoy the day, you might have a bazillion things on your holiday list. Okay, get in that mix, add in something that gives you the feeling that you would like to experience today that you want to see on your holiday that you want to see in the new year.


Yeah, yes. So beautifully said and I'm always learning I'm always taking classes and I'm taking a class with a local friend actually in my town. And she was talking last Sunday about our heart is actually an electric current, you know, it is right, like it's electrical. And I never really understood why putting my hand on my heart when I'm trying to slow down and take a deep breath, why that's so incredibly powerful for me. But I think it's the electric current of the heart that kind of goes through the hands and through the body. And it's you guys, if you haven't done that before, just give it a go. Just put your hand on your heart, if you're feeling a little bit discombobulated and see how that goes, Okay, well, we've got so much to unpack today. But I kind of wanted to throw in a little bit of holiday wisdom there. Okay, so I want to start with a quote that you said, you said many of us are taught that if you just push through now notice the half to obligation and no joy, energy, that you'll arrive where you want to go yet. That's the opposite of how it works. Tell us more. Yeah,


I mean, it's a great example of what we were just talking about. But let's look at expand beyond the holidays. I think I know I have done this, like I can be a great hard worker. And we've been taught if I just work hard enough, and juggle enough balls, then I'll finally make enough at my job. Or I'll finally feel the freedom that I'm putting all this work in for. But actually what we're doing and every day we wake up and we throw ourselves into effort and struggle. And like I'll just get through this. That is what creates the future. So a lot of us end up going after, maybe it's a job, maybe it's amount of money we want to create, maybe it's a relationship, and then getting there and wondering, wait, this isn't actually what I wanted. It's a lot of stress. It's the things we chose earlier that actually create that and that's where I think this real feeling of disappointment can occur of I put I put in all the work to get here. And now that I'm here I'm not even satisfied. And it's because that whole premise is the opposite of really how it works. Let's look out how do you want your life to be like how do you want to feel as if we're asking for that job or an amount of money? It's usually not about that. It's about how it's going to make us feel like we agree. That's what we're going for. Right? So what is that feeling? And it's different for all of us, some of us want to feel really creative, or really enthused, or really relaxed or very satisfied. And that's a question to ask yourself, what do I desire to feel what's the energy of the life I would like to have in five years and 10 years, that's so far out, your brain can't figure that one out. But you know, that feeling. And you know that energy. And then if you start choosing that today, that's where you'll end up so you're not burnt out. So you don't arrive at this great, beautiful thing that feels like a trap, where you don't have the freedom, it's like, you got to choose that feeling in the present day. And that's okay, I'm going to choose business. And I'm going to work today, but I'm not going to choose from obligation or half to energy, because I don't want my life to be full of that in the future. And you can get stuck and burned out in between, which happens to all of us, okay, so like even you, you're an expert at all this and even you and that's something that I'm really working with my students, I'm currently teaching my first podcasting class, how to get in touch hot two and a half percent globally in six months, and having my second class in February, but we're working on what to do when you get stuck. Because one of the things that that I love to talk about in she's brave is just take every day, just ask yourself, How can I show up? Brave today? What's


one action that I can take? But literally, there are times when you feel like, I can't even do that today. So let's talk a little bit about the whole procrastination. And I think self sabotage may go together with that. Let's talk more about that. Yeah, yeah, well,


this is a great example. So say you have a student, and they're really excited to create their podcast. And so we know where we want to go. And then the actions don't show up. So there's a few things that could be going on that caused procrastination, what looks like procrastination, but often, it is your subconscious mind working against you. So we talk about it like self sabotage. But it's funny because I know I want to get up today and record a podcast episode, for example, why aren't I doing it? I just can't get myself to do it. Well, we will avoid anything our subconscious is reading as a perceived threat. And our subconscious reads things as perceived threats to avoid that actually aren't, but it's taking information in that way. So for example, a lot of people don't like to public speak, a lot of people will curl back from being very seen or showing up in the world. Well, your subconscious is reading that as not only scary, but actually life threatening, like, don't stand out too much. Because then when you don't fit in with the crowd, back in the day, that part of your mind, the primal like ancestral part of the brain that was purely for survival. You didn't need a tribe to survive. And if you were cast out from the tribe that literally did mean death. That's all that had to happen. Yeah. That part of your brain subconscious has not updated, it doesn't speak the same language as your conscious mind, which is like, I really want to create a podcast and be in the world. So no matter how much you consciously desire, that if your subconscious mind is reading that information, as literally dangerous, as a threat, that it's going to be working against you in the background, rather than going where you consciously want to go. So there's a whole bunch of different techniques that I play with to change that, but part of it is just acknowledging and telling yourself, this is actually not a threat. I love it. That's incredible, just to be able to acknowledge, okay, like, I've


got a primal part of my brain that's going to kick in sometimes. And that's kicking in right now. It's okay. Love that.


It's beautiful all the time. And think about when you drive to the store, and you've been to the grocery store a million times, right? You are not consciously thinking, thank goodness. So we kind of go on autopilot, right? And we know the red light, we know where to turn. But there's so much working subconsciously your conscious mind can hold one thought at a time. And sometimes that thought changes very quickly. Right? But this subconscious has 1000s of things going on. It's beating your heart. It's running your digestion. It's moderating your body temperature. Thank goodness, it's doing so much beneath the surface. One of those things is all of it is about survival as well. Mm. Hmm. So that's great. It's working for us. And we need to let it know, hey, this thing I get, you're perceiving it as a threat. But I actually would like to move in this direction. And this sounds silly. But after this podcast, I can put my fingers on my pulse, and I didn't die, like stepping out and being. It doesn't kill us, but we really think it's going to it feels like that. Or, oh my gosh, if I post this on social media, everyone's going to hate me. Or I might get haters that comes from the part of the mind going, please don't stand out that literally might be life threatening. And when we let it No, guess what? I can get through this. Whatever even worst case scenarios, I launched my podcast in this example, and no one listens. Or if I post something on social and I lose 1000 followers, well, yeah, can you feel your pulse? Did you survive? It's not actually a threat. And with procrastination, one of the things with that when we keep avoiding something, it reinforces to the subconscious, that it is dangerous. So the easiest way to change that is to actually take an action towards it. When it's not like really intense pressure to do it. So if your podcast is due on Friday, let's not wake up on Friday, two hours before and go, Oh, my God, I have to record it. That's gonna give your body a lot of stress. But if it's like, I would like to wake up and I know, I'm feeling some like, well, I don't know if I want to do this, or I feel some procrastination coming on. You know what? I'm gonna like, make myself a nice coffee. I'm gonna give myself permission to record something really bad. And then love that answer. Love it permission to just do it badly. To do it bad line on that is key permission to do it badly. And then I'm just going to enjoy it. And I'm going to show basically my subconscious that not only is not going to kill me, but I'm moving towards it and your mind will start to get the message, oh, if she's choosing towards this, then it's not a threat. And you can change. You can rewire your subconscious pretty quickly that way.


I agree. Because I feel like that's what I did. When I took my podcasting class last fall, it seemed very much like a threat. And so I would just take like you said, I kind of baby myself, like, Oh, I'm gonna make myself a cup of tea. And then I'm going to sit down and I'm going to practice podcasting. Like how scary is that? Like, what's the worst thing that can happen? You know, I'm somebody else is going to jump on? What if they hate me? What if they say you're a crappy interviewer in this practice session? What does that matter? So I was able to just do exactly what you said. But I think so many people just don't even know how to do that yet. So this is great that you're sharing this, I want to share a reminder


that I actually keep it right by me because this is where you know, I do my creation for my business and filming. This was an idea from Kathy Heller, she also has a wonderful podcast I love. And she said, keep something by your desk. So I have a picture of me as a baby. And I wrote a letter to myself. And it's basically says, knowing full well that my thoughts can sabotage me. I'm going to finish this, I give you permission, I'm writing it to myself to my little one, I give you permission to make something messy and mediocre. And I give you permission to play. Because your job is to simply show up, surrender and be curious. The world needs you to. And wow, all the time. I'm like, I don't really feel like recording that today. I read that. And I think this little one. She was just gonna go play for the day. She didn't try to pre record a perfect podcast. She was just going to show up and play. Yep, yeah. Oh, I


love that. So, so much. Wow. Love it, love it, love it. And that really kind of covers mindset a lot, too. So you've got that right there on your desk, that continual reminder of not having to be perfect. And I just love all your messages to just how like, it doesn't have to be so incredibly hard. You don't have to like work yourself to death. In fact, that's really not the mindset that you want to be in. Exactly.


And it's not that there are days where people listening know this where your might be taking a lot of action, but it's like flowing through you. Yeah, yep. That has a lot of outflow. And you might be creating output from that. But there's not this like I'm pushing something uphill, right on those days. If I have things on my list, yeah, I sense that and it feels like a ton of effort and like I'm pushing something uphill. I don't effort that anymore. I allow myself to take a walk outside even if it's for 15 minutes, sit and play with my dog, talk to my girls and know that when I do that, and I allow myself to receive right and be in that room. receptive state for a bit, then when I do go to create and produce and have output, it's going to be from a very different mindset, and energy and feeling that's going to be a lot more effective.


Totally agree, because there are those days. And I think a lot of people operate every day from a space of frantic energy. So they're technically producing, they're getting a lot of tasks done. But if it's coming from this frantic energy, you know, way of being I think it's not really going to work. So well.


Yeah, it's not sustainable. I mean, it really is running that too. Yeah. Fight or flight mode, right, which we Yes, son, because we have a lot of adrenaline and things pumping through our body. And it's not sustainable. And that's where people experience burnout, or they're like, and now I need to be on the couch for three days in a row, because I've just made it through all my holiday shopping, rather than if we can mix in the feelings that we desire, taking care of ourselves, and, okay, this is feeling too hard. Like what I know, in hindsight, I'd love everyone to think of something that you thought you were procrastinating. And then in hindsight, you realized there was a piece of information you were missing? Or like that thing, you waited and it seemed like you were procrastinating, but then actually, you got the information you required to make it a lot easier. Like oh, had I not known that. And so sometimes we might think we're procrastinating. Interesting. But when it feels really difficult, what I've noticed, and now I've just learned to trust this, because I've seen it so many times is if I don't sit down and something's flowing out of me, whether it's a blog post or a video than I knowledge, okay, I know what it feels like to be really flowing and have it be easy. So what is this, I ask a question and sort of just put it out to the universe? Because your mind also, the greater questions you asked, the greater awarenesses come your way. Your mind is designed to seek out answers and awareness when you ask a question. So I asked, What is this? And is there information I require? Or is there something I need to know here or someone I need to talk to, that would allow this to move forward with more ease. And then maybe I take a walk. And then what often happens as I receive a phone call, or I get information that that project isn't being created that way anymore, so glad you didn't start working on it. And I've seen that over and over. So I've learned to trust that sensation of if it's a lot of effort, there's a different way to do it. And so either you're missing information, or there's someone to talk to, or you could take care of your body, and take a moment to actually be present and feel some relaxation for you, whatever that is. And then go back to the thing with a very different feeling and energy so that you're not hustling and burning yourself out all the time. Oh, my


gosh, I love this so much. And I want to share a little story from the extreme analytical world. So I was what was called a performance analyst. Back in the day, I worked in finance. And so it was very technical mathematics and stuff like that. And there would be times where I would get really stuck. And we all did, you just would feel like you're banging your head against the wall in trying to get through this task. And what we were told to do was to step outside and take a 20 minute walk. And people would say, I don't know why it works. But it works. We don't really understand this. So I always did it. And it always worked. So I step outside and walk for 20 minutes, come back into the office, and then all sudden that answer would appear or that, you know, again, like somebody would call with what I needed, or whatever it was. And it's just


fascinating, isn't it? Yeah, it is. But it's like that. And this is where I love to talk about movement of any sort creates momentum. So in that you chose a physical movement, like I'm gonna go walk outside, and you're putting your body and your mind in a different environment. So it's now receiving different cues. So you're moving your body, but you're also moving your environment that creates momentum forward. Any world you already were like, there's this problem, right? There's all these numbers and they can't figure it out. So you're already basically asking a question, whether you verbalize it or not, right, it's like, right, as soon as possible here, what is good. And so you have that in your world, you start moving and it starts building momentum towards that possibility towards that answer towards that solution.


Yeah, love it so much. Okay. You may have already answered it for us. But I'm going to ask you this question just to get a little bit succinct and see if we missed anything. I love your social media, by the way, like you post some really powerful, great, helpful information. And one of them is about procrastination. And it's three questions Every woman should ask if she wants to stop procrastinating.


Yes, yeah. So there's probably a lot of questions you could ask one of the ones I think it was the first question I wrote on there was, I might have phrased it differently. But is this actually something you truly desire? So we will procrastinate, we will put off something if it's not really where we desire to go, if it's not really aligned with our bigger vision of what we'd like our lives to be like, what we'd like the world to be like, what we'd like our relationships to be like, and it's so easy to get caught up in, someone else thinks this is a good way to live. Well, that looks pretty good on social media, maybe that's where I want to go. And if it's not true for you, if you find yourself procrastinating, you may want to ask, like, is this actually what I desire? Or is that thing someone told me I should want? Or something I think I should want because it'll give me X, Y, or Z. And if you are honest with yourself with that question, and that can be difficult. Sometimes I've definitely gone after things and then been like, wait a second, I don't think that's actually what I desire. I just thought that shouldn't be what I want, you know. So ask yourself that if you find yourself progressing, is this actually what I truly desire?


I love this so much, because I think this is a bigger problem today than it was 10 or 20 years, because of us being fed so much information through social media through all of our computers, and our phones, and our devices were literally spoon fed, like what we should want. And I think we can literally lose track of what we really want.


Yep. I'm a big fan of post it notes. I like to put them on my mirror or near my computer. And I about 18 months ago, started asking the question every day, because I saw it on my post it note and I put it on a reminder on my phone as what is true for me. I have not yet discovered. I love it. And here I am. And I just really started asking, and at first I was like, Oh, I kind of don't want to think about all the stuff. I haven't yet discovered that it's true for me, because I'm in my mid 40s Shouldn't have I figured this out, but out. And then I have just sort of laughed at my brain doing those thoughts. And I thought, Wow, I'm so excited to find out what else there is that I haven't discovered. That's true for me. In asking that in the next. This has been 18 months of asking, and I've had more new people and books and courses, and ideas and perspectives literally come to me that from asking that question, I started to go oh, that's more actually really lightens my world and makes me happy and enthuses me and that's more actually what I desired. Not this picture, perfect thing that might really work for that person, but isn't at all what I desire. So it's such a key question. So if you guys like playing with questions, that is like my favorite one. What is true for me? I have not yet discovered. Love it. Okay, what are the other two? Okay, the other one I would ask for procrastinating is? Is this for now? Or is this for later? Or the future? Okay. So a lot of things we have, I often will have a to create list or to do list or something that I think I should be working on. And if it's not moving forward, and you think you're procrastinating. I look at that task. And I ask is this for now? Or is this actually something for the future that's not ready to get created right now. Now this is different than like your daily need to walk the dog. And that's for now. But this is like putting energy towards writing a book or this project that you might really want to do. If it's not coming together easily again, this kind of theme you've been procrastinating? And when you ask a question like that, what you're looking for is once you ask it, look for the energy of just my world expands. So if I say is this for now, and I get really expansive and the energy seems to grow or I feel lighter. That's a yes. And everyone experiences yes is differently. So you have to play with this. Is it for now? No. Then if it like kind of contracts your energy, then often that's a no like that's not what's going to add so I look at things very simply I ask questions, and if it expands the energy gives me more lifeforce more enthusiasm, that's the direction I move in. And if my energy contracts are you feel a little more like not excited, or maybe feel something in the pit of your stomach. Everyone's kind of different. It's not really a good feeling, then that's probably something that you don't want to choose. It's no for you right now. So that's where I ask things, okay, like, everything has consciousness. Even a book has consciousness like every idea, it's all energy. And so you can literally asking, Is this for now? Is this something that's actually to create now? Or is it something for the future that I don't have to keep pushing and efforting? Here? Love


it. Oh my gosh, okay, give us a third one.


Okay, third one on procrastination, like, what other information do I require here? And I know I mentioned that earlier. But like you said, when you were like working as an analyst, you required a different perspective. So that sort of with procrastinating, I would look at what other information do I require here, and basically give yourself a break. If I'm not procrastinating here, what am I actually aware of? And when we ask question, you're gonna get more information. Rather than assuming why must be putting this off, I'm wrong. I gotta judge myself, I can't move forward, I can't figure out the solution. Well, what if that weren't true? What if it's not procrastination, you know, what if it's something you don't desire? Truly, what if it's for the future and not now? What if there's more information you need, like we just debunked all of these myths that come from the conclusion of I'm a procrastinator, you're not a part of.


Yeah, I love this so much. This conversation, Emily, I cannot believe how much I learned. This is just packed full of information. And I think a lot of us are going to be going back and listening to it again, even me, it's my podcast. But it's so so good. Thank you so much for coming on my podcast and helping women all around the world, to become a better person to get over those hard things. You have given us so many incredible, incredible tools today. Thank you so much. Thank you


for having me. And I love that your audience and women we are busy, right, we have a lot going on. So my target has always been to give you nuggets, little tools that you can actually take and create quick change that's effective. I am a collector of things like that, that I love to pass on. So thank you for having me on this podcast. So more people can hear them and hear a different perspective. And I would say play with these things like play with like a little kid would try this question. Try that perspective on for you and see if it creates change, like you're the experimenter and creator of your life. So have fun playing with all these things and creating what you desire.


Ah, love it so much. Emily, where can we find you? You can


find me on Instagram at Emily Evans Russell, and my website is the same Emily Evans


Nice, great, great, we will be sure to include those in the show notes. This conversation has just been like dynamite. I love it so much. I cannot wait to connect with you again. Because I feel like my students, I think they need to hear from you.


And I would love to share, you know, my podcast is shift your vibe to thrive. And I would love to share you with my audience too. And these conversations just so we can reach more people. Because really, we should be stuck in thinking we can't move forward or we're procrastinating or we have like there are ways to change it. And yeah, and that's, you know, what


I saw too is the biggest issue with podcasting is really not talent or money or anything like that. It's literally just like, how do I get unstuck? And I think it's actually one of the big keys between making it in podcasting and not as just being able to get yourself unstuck or anything in life. It's just it's a powerful toolkit that we all need. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Thank you.


Hey, everyone. Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy life to listen to today's episode. I love learning about what makes you brave. I'm here with you. I see you. I hear you and I want to hear from you. I want to know how you're showing up as being brave and authentic. Connect with me on Instagram at she's brave podcast, or come join our community in the she's brave podcast Facebook group. I'm sending you so much love. Until next time. Keep being brave.