She's Brave Podcast - Kristina Driscoll

Minerals and Your Health: A conversation with BEAM Minerals CEO, Caroline Alan

Kristina Driscoll with Caroline Alan Episode 55

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Get ready to experience the resourcefulness, tenacity and brilliance of Caroline Alan, Co-Founder and CEO of Beam Minerals! At the height of her highly competitive corporate career in the tech world and raising 2 boys on her own, she found herself with a laundry list of major and unexplainable health issues. She sought help from countless doctors and experts to no avail. She was not going to sit back and accept that there just wasn’t an answer for her ailments! Hence, the birth of Beam Minerals! Now, happily healthy and an expert in her field, she uses her experience and knowledge to do for others what she has done for herself: guidance toward vastly improved health through mineral supplementation.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Assess your overall health/any health issues, how they are affecting your life and determine what you can do about them to heal PERMANENTLY.
  • Understand that even if you are the healthiest eater, you still aren’t getting the nutrients your body needs to optimally function and how you can remedy that with plant-based minerals Fulvic and Humic.
  • Know that humans as a whole have a “missing link”: what our bodies are in great need of to have the energy to function normally.
  • Take comfort in knowing that our bodies are made to heal themselves but, because we are being barraged with chemicals through the food we eat and air we breathe, we must supplement with minerals to help our bodies along.
  • Feel enlightened about how plant-based minerals can be instrumental in triumphing over health challenges.
  • Comprehend the crucial part played by bioavailability in efficient mineral utilization.
  • Realize the intriguing link between the quality of soil, the minerals in plants, and your personal health.

Special discount code for listeners: BRAVE20

About Caroline:

As a result of juggling her highly challenging career in the tech corporate world, motherhood, and a myriad of above-and-beyond expectations, Caroline Alan found herself physically, mentally, and energetically struggling. Major and perplexing health issues evolved as a result, from which she was told were “just normal” by health professionals. She knew better and set out to prove it. On her unrelenting quest to regain her health, Caroline discovered the ground-breaking potential of a specific set of plant-based minerals that transform the body at the cellular level and restore its natural balance. This journey has led her to enlighten others about the significance of mineral replenishment, specifically by the use of the symbiotic plant-based molecules, Fulvic and Humic. Her discoveries were as a result of submerging herself in the fields of microbiology, molecular biology, cellular biology, agricultural soil science, and plant decomposition…all resulting in the importance of minerals in human physiology. What began as the search for her own individual healing has grown into revolutionary implications of mineral depletion and the role of plant-based mineral supplementation in fostering healing and peak health in human beings as a whole. Caroline Alan’s BEAM Minerals is the direct result of these discoveries

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Hey everyone, it's Christina Driscoll host of this she's brave Podcast. I'm so glad you're here with me. I did not start out brave at all. But I learned that we can do brave things, one small step at a time. After caregiving for my husband and son for 12 years, it was definitely time for my next chapter. I wanted to get brave women's voices out there in the world. And more importantly, I want all of you to have the courage and the resilience to live your best authentic life. So come along with me, and learn how to live your best life. And I want you to hear the brave voices of women all around the world. Hey, everyone, it's Christina with the she's brave. Podcast. Hey, you guys, do you want to improve your health? Who doesn't want to improve their health? Today, we're gonna be talking about an amazing health hack. Today's guest is Caroline Allen, co founder and CEO of beam minerals. Now before you think this is just some kind of big, long commercial Caroline has an amazing story. I love her story. She worked in the corporate world. And over time, she developed a lot of health issues. She spent over $75,000, on doctors, naturopaths, etc. When she finally found the solution to her health issues. She decided to start her own company. So Caroline, welcome, welcome. So great to see your face.


Thank you so much. It's great to be here. I pray. Yeah. Carolyn, I


think it was incredibly brave of you to start your own company. Most people wouldn't even be able to do that after going through everything that you went through trying to hack and figure out all your health challenges. So most people, if they did even manage to get their health back would just stop right there. But you were like, No, I have learned some really important amazing stuff. And I need to start a company and help others. I also just really, really wanted to interview because I think, especially as women, we're not the best about getting help. And I think a lot of times we give up we give up on our health you guys I want to share a personal story really quick about me about how I found Caroline and then we're going to dive in to her story. But I heard her about two years back a little bit more than that. On Dave Asprey. He was interviewing her on the human upgrade, formerly Bulletproof Radio. And I was absolutely fascinated by her. And we all have about 30 trillion cells in our bodies, and all of them use minerals. After hearing Caroline interviewed, I ordered her mineral and electrolyte products for hiking the Inca Trail and Peru. I felt so amazing and good, using the mineral supplements that I continue to use them to this day. So I'm not being paid for this just so we're clear people. But this is an a very important topic, a very important health topic. And it's it's also a great story about you getting sick. So let's start right there. Because I want my listeners to have hope about when you're sick to keep persevering.


Thank you so much. We need hope in this world right now. It's such a challenging place. And and, you know, I've certainly been on a journey in my life. And one of the things that I kind of am a stand for people is that when things look hard and feel challenging, you can get through them. I have if you knew all of the challenges I've been through, my health is just one of them. So about eight or nine years ago, I had been working in the corporate world, I had young kids, two boys was mostly single parenting them. And I became very ill I was a top gun for hire in the corporate world. So very stressful work running very large technology projects. And I burned out of that career. I just said I have to stop. And at that time, I had completely flatlined. adrenals which went on for two and a half years had had been going on for two and a half years. And I had really bad inflammation in my gut. I had been gluten free for seven years or so. So quite a substantial amount of time but I was never able to get over the gut inflammation, the bloating, the discomfort, the elimination issues in my gut. I had very bad gingivitis, receding gum was bone loss in my teeth. And in fact, the surfaces of my teeth in many areas had started to de mineralized, and they were no longer hard. I had recurring sinus infections every season. Partly that was due to the fact that I had a really bad mold exposure experience that was really challenging. So I had ongoing mycotoxin issues in my body. And I also I have, genetically, we have low thyroid in my family. So I also have low thyroid. So and I headaches all the time, incredibly sensitive to any smell like incredible sensitivities. I also have autoimmune. So you look at this whole thing of all these different symptoms. And if you go to a doctor, well, you're supposed to go to an ear, nose and throat doctor, or you go to a doctor that's going to help you with this or that, you know, but there's nobody who looks at the whole picture. So at that time, I met a friend of mine, who is now my business partner, Dan Howard. And he introduced me to these things called plant based minerals. And I started taking them and they they over a period of time, they radically changed my health. So that's how I got into this.


Yeah, it's amazing. I want to talk more about the minerals. And I think I had a similar experience with my teeth, too. When I started taking your product. My dentists was like, What are you doing differently? Because, wow, you know, your mouth and your teeth are so much better. And I have to say, Caroline, that even before I ever listened to you being interviewed, I always had these thoughts of, yes, I'm eating organic all the time. Because I know there's listeners out there that are saying, well, I eat organic all the time. I even eat organic out of my own garden. And so I think I'm okay. And I remember thinking how over processed our food is, in general, even organic food, like you can buy baby carrots that are appealed, that are organic, but how much nutrients are actually in those products back play? Right. And the gardening thing you mentioned in another interview, too, that even if you are growing your own, you know, fruits and vegetables, you are probably not getting all the minerals you need. Now, I want you to break this down for us a little bit. Yeah. And as we are starting from ground zero, I think a lot of my listeners out there are probably thinking, oh yeah, I can just go to the store and buy some different minerals. It's really not about that, is it?


No, it's not. And, you know, so what happened with me was I started taking these plant based minerals. And they're completely different than any pills or powders or electrolyte drinks or anything else that most people use their a full spectrum, mineral supplement. And I started taking them and after about two months, I went to my dentist and like you she looked at my mouth and she exclaimed, oh my gosh, what is different? The tissue in your mouth is no longer inflamed. You had your teeth cleaned, there was no bleeding, like the pH in your mouth is different, what's changed and I had to think about it from and I said, you know, I think it's these minerals that I'm taking she was she was like, Okay, keep taking them. And then I went after four months, I went to my naturopath had my adrenal test taken, and I had completely flatlined adrenals that we should allow at my last appointment, she'd wanted me to take hydrocortisone, which I was not going to do. But when she opened the results of the test and looked at it, they were 1/3 of the way up the chart with their natural sawtooth pattern and correct kind of Ark that you need that you want in your adrenals well, so she was like, Well, what are you doing? And I said, you know, I think it's these minerals. And it was right about then where I was like, huh, how can these little cups of liquid one half ounce of these two liquids makes such a difference? So I started researching and I read I gave myself college degrees in you know cellular biology and molecular biology and some quantum physics and mechanics not I studied some of those as well because you you get into that minerals work at the atom level I mean you they they work so at a such a micro level in the body. And so you get into you ultimately get into quantum mechanics, especially when you're talking about plant based minerals. So So I started doing all this research, and I looked into well how did I get so mineral deplete waited, like, how did that happen? Because I'm actually a very, very healthy eater. I've, I've, I've always been into health, I don't take drugs, I don't drink alcohol I've never smoked. You know, I'm, I'm a very, very healthy, you know, you would think I would be a very healthy person, you know, yes. And then I studied, I began to get into mineral replenishment, and you know, how to minerals work in the body, and how to how to minerals get replenished in the body. And as I started really reading and learning, I had such huge aha was, and I was like, Oh, my gosh, no one is talking about this. No one has any idea about minerals, why they're so important how they are like the foundation of health. And I became incredibly inspired to, to start bringing my aha moments out. And I, I spent a huge amount of time trying to take an extremely complex subject, and simplify it so that anyone I spoke to could understand it could make sense of it, and and actually utilize the information to change their own health and their own life.


Yeah, I love that so much. I know that you actually use some of the minerals you use come from ancient plants. Yeah, also, you use two kinds of minerals, fulvic, and humic. So let's break that down for the listeners.


So let's let's start at the very beginning, in the very beginning is plant based minerals. What are they? So first of all, what they are, is imagine an entire rainforest back when the dinosaurs lived. And when the huge cataclysmic event happened that killed all the dinosaurs and created a nuclear like a winter over the whole planet, and all of these plants died. And then over millennia, they decomposed into this incredibly mineral rich substance that's called humate. And humate, is a very black crystalline substance. It's incredibly mineral rich. There are other substances around the earth like Sheila G, people have heard of Sheila G, or shall Ajit? Some people call it that's the same kind of freshwater plant material that has decomposed and it turns into a pasty material. We can talk about that separately. But our products come from something called humate, this crystalline substance, and inside of humate, are these two molecules. One is called fulvic. And the other is called humic. And these two molecules have very different capacities. They are truly a technology that was designed by nature, to enhance nutrient uptake and mineral replenishment into the cells. And also full system detoxification. Because when you think about it, there's always been environmental toxins and things that cellular systems on Earth needed to get out of their systems. And so a technology was evolved, which your body is also evolved from the earth. So your body, which is a set of cellular systems, naturally knows how to utilize, it's when I started to really understand this, I was like, Oh, my gosh, this is incredible. Of course, we are cell we are made of cells, the earth, everything's made of cells out there, all the living entities on our planet are made of cells. What I want to do is actually step back from the conversation of humic and fulvic. Now we kind of know where they come from. But I want to talk first about mineral depletion, so people can realize why they should lean in right now and pay attention. I think learning about minerals is the most empowering piece of information that somebody can learn in a year about their health. And the way I like to kind of create the container for it is if you think about your body, and you took all the water out of your body, you'd be a little pile of minerals. When you look around the room, at every structural element that you're looking at, it's all made of minerals, the entire earth, all of the plants, everything is made of minerals. Think of that isn't that amazing? It is amazing. So that's how fun fundamental this knowledge about minerals is. So the other thing is that your body, we've learned to think about our body, like, we have organs, and we have tissues, and we have bones. And we have systems like endocrine systems and cardiovascular systems, and you know, all these hormonal systems, okay. But when you think about the body, every part of your body is made of cells. So when we talk about minerals, we don't talk about systems and tissues and organs and bones and that kind of thing, we think about the body as an entire set of cellular systems, you have about 37 trillion to Oh, if you're a big guy, you might have 150 trillion cells in your body. Okay, so now, the key component of this is every single cell requires two things to operate. One is amino acids, and the other is minerals. Now, your body makes a lot of amino acids, but it makes no minerals. And all of them have to come from the foods you eat, or the water you drink. In our case, we're mostly we should be drinking filtered. And I mean, I don't love bottled water, but at least it's filtered. So we should be drinking filtered water. And the problem is there's no minerals and filtered water. So this has exacerbated and greatly increased the overall mineral deficiency of humanity over time. And it's why mineral replenishment is what I call the vanguard of health, it is quickly becoming the main important topic of almost every health conversation.


I totally agree with you, Caroline. That's why I was so excited when I heard you interviewed two years ago, but I'm gonna bring up a point that listeners might be thinking in their head, okay, but I can just run to the store and get some magnesium. Right? Yeah, let's talk about that.


And this was such a huge thing. When I learned about minerals and how they're replenished in the body, I was completely blown away, because, you know, we tend to think about the body like a car, you need oil, put in oil, I need gas, putting gas, I need winter washer fluid fill up the tank, you know, right, but the body doesn't work like that at all the replenishment system in your body is so extremely complex. The main thing to understand is that when you think about your body, like a car, and you throw in a big, you know, what I call a mega dose formatted, which is measured in milligrams form of magnesium, what you're actually doing is throwing your body into imbalance because your body can't actually process absorb or assimilate that much magnesium. So what happens is it has to actually eliminate the huge excess of of magnesium that it can't actually absorb or assimilate or even digest. And that requires a lot of extra energy. When you think about nature, the way nature works, it doesn't work in large quantities of things. It works in minut amounts of things in a very balanced way. Yep. So the big problem also is that most mineral supplements that people are taking that are in pill, powder, salt, or electrolyte, kind of these electrolyte drink form or powders that you put in water, and they they dissolve and they have a flavor. All of these, they're most of them are made from rocks, shells, bones, and then some salts. And when you think about your gut salts actually dissolve pretty easily, but rock shells and bones How well do you think the human digestive tract digests rock shells and bones,


I don't think it digests them at all, actually, or very little,


it will break them down somewhat. But it takes a long time. And it's not very efficient. And so we when we talk about minerals, we have to think about this term bioavailability. And it has these three stages, digestion, which we know what that is, it's breaking things down enough so they can be absorbed through the lining of your gut. Then absorption, which is the process of getting things into your bloodstream. And finally, assimilation which is getting those minerals. In this case, we're talking about minerals into your cells, because most minerals don't do anything unless they actually get into the cells. So first, you start with a mineral that is made of rock shells and bones. Most of it only about 10 to 12% of it ever gets dissolved enough. To be absorbed, and then we have to depend on the health of your gut lining. To determine how well you're going to absorb that into your bloodstream. They say maybe 10%, what you know, 7% gets into the bloodstream. And now you have to get those minerals into the cells. And most of us don't have very effective assimilation engines in our body. So only maybe 5% actually gets into your cell. So


what the experts that I've spoken with say that modern humans have maybe 30 to 37% of the minerals in your body that you need for really function, really. So we Yeah, so modern people, we only have 37% of the minerals we need for optimum function. That's incredible. So that's what was going on with you as well. And with so many people with all their symptoms, and they just just don't feel well, that the headaches, the inflammation.


I hear every day people I talk to customers every day, because I make myself available to people and they all say, you know, it's like they have a missing link. It's like there's something missing, I just don't know what it is. And sometimes you find yourself opening the fridge and looking and going I know I need something, you know, you feel that need. And I'm telling you that is your cells at a cellular level, your body is telling you, you do not have what you need. And what happens is when you start replenishing minerals in your body in effective way, your whole nervous system starts to relax, you start the brain fog starts to clear, you start to sleep better, you know, all these all these things that seemed disconnected start to your body has enough energy to actually do what it naturally does, which is gain what we call homeostasis, which is a natural balance in your nervous system in your, in your blood sugar with your endocrine systems with your you know, all the different systems in your body begin to have what they need to do their normal functions.


Wow. That's incredible. So my next question I already know the answer to but I know my listeners are gonna want to know, how do you produce these minerals? Where do they come from? How are they so readily absorbed? Or how is it different?


Yeah. So we talked about the other ones that are made from raw shells and bones. So these are plant based material. So first of all, think about your gut. How does your gut manage plant based material actually pretty well, the human gut is evolved to metabolize plants. So that's the first stage. But then let's talk about these this technology that I described this, this mineral and nutrition uptake technology, and that is called fulvic. So the fulvic molecule, which is the it's there are two parts fulvic and humic have plant based minerals, and we're going to talk about fulvic first, it's a very, very small molecule, it's much smaller than a cell. And it carries as part of the molecules 70 Plus minerals. And those minerals are already formulated naturally formulated in the exact ratios that your body is made of and utilizes. So rather than trying to buy a multi mineral or multi, you know, some sort of pill that's lab formulated in some megadose format, you're using the natural replenishment mineral replenishment tool fulvic molecules, and they carry 60 times their weight of minerals and other nutrition into the cell. There are what is called a flavonoids. They're an intercellular transporter, Wow, very effective intracellular transporter. And this molecule has a capacity that no other molecule on earth has, which is that it can change its polarity. And so what it does, though, I the way, I like to describe it to people because it's an image they can remember. So if you have a door in the room, you're sitting in and outside the door, there's a guy with a backpack and he fills a backpack up with a whole bunch of good stuff that you need. And he walks into your room, and then he dumps the backpack out on your table and now you get to utilize all that good stuff. And then what he does is he fills his backpack with all your trash and whatever is laying around that you don't need. And he carries it out of the room.


Okay, I'm just cracking up. But I love that image like the gray, he's Yeah, he takes all the trash and all the things that you don't need, because our body does produce things that we don't need that we need to flush out. And then he takes them away. I love that analogy that's just so simple and easy to understand.


Exactly. And then in the now that he's out of the room, he takes that backpack, and he dumps it out. So if your room is a cell, this is the fulvic molecule carrying nutrients into the cell, and dropping them off. And then picking up all the detritus, the biowaste, heavy metals, nanoplastics environmental toxins like glyphosate and free radicals that have gotten into your cell, and they're causing havoc, and it carries those out of the cell. And then it drops them off in the bloodstream. And the way this happens from a mechanical perspective, is via this polarity change of the molecule. Wow, now you have that detritus out in your bloodstream. Now we have the beautiful humic molecule. And the fulvic and humic have this synergistic relationship they occur together all wherever one is, the other exists. So the humic molecule is very different. And the way I like to describe it is imagine a Velcro ball. It's much larger than a cell. And it hangs out in the bloodstream, it just travels through the bloodstream. And it's very sticky on the outside, because it's one of the strongest electrolytes known to man. And things stick to it by a waste. Those heavy metals, it's extremely effective as a heavy metal key later. And in fact, they use it in toxic waste dumps, they use it in Chernobyl, they use it in astronauts to to lower heavy metal levels, in systems and in human bodies. And it gathers free radicals it's 1000s of times more effective as a as a as an antioxidant than any other antioxidant, like superfood, or any of those kinds of things that you could use. And it also does something called adsorbed. So it gathers glyphosate molecules, and then it builds a film around that molecule and it starts breaking it down. So it can no longer have its negative effects in your body. Which is really important because we are all dealing with some level of glyphosate toxicity. Glyphosate being, excuse me, the herbicides that they spray on genetically modified foods, and they spray it so that the weeds will die, and the plants have been genetically modified to live. But the problem is that you eat that food, and you get the glyphosate in your system. And it has many, many negative health effects, which are also it's the other reason that I got I got well was because I remediated the glyphosate that was in my system.


Yes, yes, you beat me to the punch, because I was going to bring up glyphosate and talk about it. But I'm going to back this up a little bit, because before I had listened to you talk, I didn't even know what GMOs were. And I didn't understand them until you explained it. So let's back it up and talk about that for a second.


You know, it's funny, because when I first started researching this, and I came into it, because I was studying about soils, and I was studying humic and fulvic, these plant based materials, and I was learning about plant decomposition and how soils are made. And then I found myself smack in the middle of the glyphosate conversation. So you know, we've always been genetically modifying foods, you know, you look at a banana today, if you saw a natural banana, like before it was genetically modified, you wouldn't even recognize it completely different thing. You know, we've always, you know, we've been making a better Apple or you know, better blueberries or bigger strawberries. That's not the issue. So, what happened was there was I'm not going to go into the long story, but the short story is that farmers were looking for ways to increase their cultivation capacities, and that the large agribusiness companies, which we won't name, developed something called glyphosate, which and then they they genetically modified the plants corn, mostly grains, although it's now sprayed on all sorts. have different plants beyond just grains. But they genetically modified those plants. So they would live even when they sprayed this weed killer directly on the plants. Many people have glyphosate known as roundup in their garage and they use it to kill the weeds in their driveway or kill the blackberries on their properties in these, I hope you will stop using it. Because it's incredibly bad for your body. Hello, did I lose you? Oh. Oh, I can't hear you. Are you still there? The recording hasn't stopped, but I can't hear you. I'm typing Are you still there? Oh, I'm the host now. Okay.


So she will Okay, so we just dropped. Yeah. So you need to start, you need a backup too. I know. A lot of people have Gly sulfates in their garage and we need to stop. Yeah. Okay, I'll


start right there. Okay. So some of the listeners might have glyphosate notice roundup in their garage, and they use it to kill the, the weeds in their sidewalks or driveways or maybe their blackberries. This is glyphosate. It's, it's not exactly the same thing as used is used by farmers mainly because they take glyphosate and mix it with some other chemicals, which actually makes it even stronger and, and worse for your body.


So, yeah, yeah, I mean, I actually had an acquaintance who I have never used Roundup, because we've known for years that it's poison. And I know that if I squirt poison on my lawn, it's just gonna go into the ground, it's gonna go somewhere else, it's still going to be around. And so I live we literally my husband, I dig up our weeds ourselves. And we never use Roundup. But I know someone who did, she used to run around with a squirt bottle, and used round up all over her lawn. And her husband didn't like it, but he was always, you know, in the backyard and gardening and doing stuff and guess what he did get cancer.


So the great thing for people to know is there's actually something you can do about glyphosate. And I always hate to end the conversation about glyphosate in the fear mode, because the beautiful thing is, guess what, all you need to do is to take humic minerals regularly. Now yay, could be useful. I'm so happy. Exactly. If you're having you know, if you aren't having major issues in your gut, you might want to go get tested for glyphosate and you can go to a natural practitioner, we could put that in the show notes if you want about how to get tested. You know, even if you do a major detoxification protocol Cell Core is a great one for for glyphosate. Once you finish that protocol, you're going to need to continue to take humic for the rest of your life. Because that is the main tool for constant. I call it nature's janitor because it is the tool for removing all of these toxins biowaste heavy metals and and environmental things like glyphosate from your system altogether. You know, it's so


it's so empowering because I think I before I heard about you and started taking your product daily, I would get scared I'd hear people talk about you know, all these scary chemicals, glyphosate, etc. And I think well what can I do like you know, you do what you can but at the end of the day, it's like we're still exposed to it right and what and what you're saying is and we have a remedy for it and I wanted to say to my listeners that are all author was thinking but what does it taste like? It's the bottle. It's dark brown. It does. You know, it doesn't look super appealing. It actually doesn't really have a flavor. I take a capsule. I put it in my smoothie every day. And or I put it in a glass of water and it Just tastes like water. And, you know, it really tastes like well literally tastes like water. It just it just is brown water, which is, you know, maybe you don't like looking at brown water, I don't know. But it's, it's so reassuring to know, before hearing about you and, and hearing about what you do and when your products I, yeah, I was worried I was that person was like, it doesn't matter what I do, even if I have my own organic garden, I'm not going to get the proper amount of minerals that I need into my system. Yeah, Glice of fate, the I can never say goodbye. So like glyphosate, glyphosate. I think some of your people think I stumbled over it, because it's, it's like, I don't even want to talk about it. But it's so beautiful to know that there is a solution.


Yeah, you know, I talk to people every day who have really complex health histories, really challenging chronic symptoms, or whole, you know, a whole raft of, of chronic symptoms. And I hear that in them not wanting to give up. And then when they hear about something like glyphosate or, or mycotoxin, or you know, these things, and you begin to feel like there's nothing I can do and, and I'm here to tell you, there are things you can do. And these humic and fulvic minerals are one of the most important tools for your overall health. If you think about your body, your body actually knows how to heal itself. It's just that it's only operating at about 30 to 35 to 40%.


Wow. That's crazy.


So you know, I don't think I mentioned this, and I'm gonna just jump in a little bit deeper for a moment. So, you know, inside your cells, you have these power energy generating units, and they're called mitochondria. And these mitochondria generate all of the energy in your body. So if you're having hair loss, or you're having chipped nails, or your skin is dull, it's literally because your body is unable to generate enough energy and it says, Okay, I'm going to focus the energy that I can generate on keeping your heart beating, and keeping your lungs pumping and keeping your blood flowing. You know, keeping the fundament the foundational things that have like the critical elements, right? So if when you start providing full spectrum mineral support, you end up creating an incredible environment for your body to start resolving naturally, it's within its own auspices these chronic issues. Ah, it's really so they're so and it's so easy. You know, it sounds like you just take our micro boost product. Yeah, which is the product, but we actually have two products, and one is called electrolyze. Yeah, it's purely fulvic. And the micro boost is it actually has humic and some fulvic. In it, we actually say the best thing to do for most people is to take both, and you would take the cap of each being because we are all so mineral depleted. If you want to increase your energy in a short period of time, increase your mitochondrial function, which increases energy in your body. This electrolyze the fulvic supplement is phenomenal. The beautiful thing about it is that no one ever has any kind of reaction to it. Whereas some people can have what is called a Herxheimer response to using humic when they first start, there's a simple solution to it, all you do is just take it and put it in a glass of water and drink it slowly over 30 minutes or so.


So what would be a side effect or what what what


some people some people might get a headache, I have a great article we can put in the show notes and as and Herxheimer it's really it helps demystify it. It's the body saying finally I can get rid of this stuff that I don't have any need for and I don't want it in here and I'm gonna do it now. And so it does it too quickly. And people will get maybe a headache or they might get some rash or some people have some intestinal discomfort. It's it's there's there in the article. There's a whole list of different things so you could recognize it, but it's Very, very simple to adjust. I work with people all the time who contact us. And in the article at the end of the article is something called the slow introduction method. So if you're somebody who has autoimmune, if you've had Lyme disease, if you have long haul COVID. If you've had mold exposure, then you would want to use the slow introduction method. That's the key with these two products. One is that they're both called electrolyzers. The fulvic micro Boost is the humic supplement. And taken together is the ultimate mineral replenishment and deep full system detoxification solution. The beautiful thing about having the electrolytes, which is the fulvic supplement separated from the humic is you can use that use electrolyze. We call it next generation hydration. Because what it does is it enhances the uptake of h2o into your cells. So lots of people are drinking a lot of water. But that water is not necessarily getting into their cells. So they're irrigating themselves,


we need to trust the tank. Interesting, because we actually did use your electoral light product when we were doing a very challenging Inca Trail. And we are at one point higher than Mount Rainier, which is 14,000 feet, we were hiking higher. And we felt great. We, you know, my son, and I were, you know, we were in good shape, but we're not fantastic. But then I was under the myth. And so I learned something today that oh, the electrolytes is good for when I'm like hiking, and I've got this intense thing, and I've got to replenish my waters. And you're saying, No, go ahead and add it to the smoothie and or the water. And, you know, it's so fascinating to me too, that. Yes, if people introduce it too quickly. It's your body is literally detoxing. I mean, when you detox, you get a rash, you get a headache, you it's it's just actual proof


to Yeah, it really is, it's really proof that it actually is working. You know, the cool thing, what we've got in our products is like these tools that you can have in your life, you've got the both of both of them together, which are that foundational support just half an ounce of each every day provides a foundational support, then you have electrolyze to utilize as your water Remineralisation tool, if you use which we should all be drinking filtered water. You know, it's the great tool for remineralizing your water. It's also the best electrolyte replenishment tool you can be you can use. Like I'm telling your audience that if they are using powdered electrolytes, or flavored electrolyte drinks or pills measured in milligrams, I would like them to consider trying to use elect just using electrolyzed for one month. And I think they'll be amazed at how well how much better it works.


Wow, I'm amazed that I didn't realize that they both are so beneficial together. We used both of them on our intense hike, but then we just dropped down into using the one product without the electrolyte and now I'm going to add the electrolyte. I feel amazing. My health is excellent. I'm 55 I don't have aches and pains and headaches and all the things that you talked about that you had, and I know you don't have them either. And I look back and I did there for a while, you know, as I was getting older, and I thought oh, it's just part of aging. Oh, this is but now I know. Yeah, I'm definitely going to add the electrolyte like product. And again, like that's the same thing. Like everybody says, oh, put some electrolytes in your drink, just pop this powder in here. But, you know, is it really getting absorbed? Is it actually working? That's the question.


Well, not only that, so I'm going to tell you a quick story because lots of people contact me because they have cramping. And one of the things I'm telling you is that all cramping in the body is a mineral deficiency. It's a sign of mineral deficiency. So people contact me and they've got cramping, but they use these other electrolytes they use element element or liquid IV or something. They use these other megadose formatted electrolytes. Why do they still have cramping? It's because the minerals that they're taking in those electrolyte powders or drinks are never getting into the cells. Remember, minerals don't do anything to increase the energy production in your body unless they get into the cells.


That's exactly it. That's the baseline. That's it. That's the So if there's one thing that's the key, that's what people need to know.


Hey, and because, you know, we're talking about cramping, I do want to mention one other product just because for anyone out there who might be experiencing leg cramps at night, or women who experience menstrual cramping, the we have a spray. It's a fulvic spray. It's called Insta lights. And it is fantastic for cramping, you just spray it onto the area where you get the cramps. Now if you're a woman and you're having menstrual cramps, you just spray it onto your abdomen. I will tell you that many many, many women that we have worked with over the years. Once they start taking the minerals, they stop having their uncomfortable periods altogether. But in the process of getting remineralized you can use the the cramped spray called Insta lights and just spray it right onto your abdomen when you're having the cramping. If you have leg cramps at night, what you would do is spray it on before you go to bed and let it dry. And most people won't get a cramp.


Wow. Yeah, I know Dave Asprey said that it worked for him. I think he's, uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I actually don't get cramps, but maybe it's because I've been taking some of your products. Now I need to add one more. But it's amazing. Your products are amazing.


Everywhere. Yeah, words cramping, and some people don't?


Yeah, anything else that you would love to share with our listeners? I loved having you on the show ticket today. Because I know that going through any kind of serious health issues, and you had multiple serious health issues over the years. And you know, you just stepped in there. You just had the courage to figure it out. And most people would have stopped after that. But no, you said no, I am going to help everybody else, so that they don't have to live a life of fatigue and health issues. It's just so beautiful. I love it. You're so inspiring.


You know, I literally sometimes I feel like the minerals are driving me up every day. And they say, Come on, out there. You got to tell more people about us.


I think you're right. And I the minerals are driving me because like I'm on fire with my podcast. And I wake up every morning excited and, and happy. You know,


I love your podcast. Oh,


thank you. Yeah, so tell my listeners where they can find you.


Ah, you can just go to beam And I don't know if we have offered you. If you want we can put together some sort of discount code for your listeners. I would


love that. I want to get them to try this product. Because it's been so amazing for me for two years. So maybe we


should just use the word brave.


Let's do it. Oh my gosh, I love it. Thank you so much.


So when people can just use the code brave for 20% off.


Oh my gosh, that's so thank you, Caroline. I love it.


And we'll provide some some information, other pieces of information that you can put in your show notes. So if people want to further read or learn, okay,


perfect. Thank you so much for coming on today, Caroline.


It's been such a pleasure. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the opportunity to, to talk to you and get the message out to your listeners. And I also want to let people know that if there's anyone out there who needs to speak to me particularly, you can just email us at info at the and they'll send you a Calendly link so you can set up a chat.


Oh, that's beautiful that you are still willing to work with people one on one. That's so beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. This has been a great episode. Thank you so much, Carolyn.


Thank you for having me. Have a lovely day.


Hey, everyone. Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy life to listen to today's episode. I love learning about what makes you brave. I'm here with you. I see you. I hear you and I want to hear from you. I want to know how you're showing up as being brave and authentic. Connect with me on Instagram at she's brave podcast or come join our community in the she's brave podcast Facebook group. I'm sending you so much love. Until next time. Keep being brave.

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